A double chin forms when a layer of excess fat accumulates beneath the chin around the jawline. It is a common condition and often not something to worry about. Some people are born with submental fullness, and others acquire it through weight gain or as they grow older. Most people who resort to Midtown East Kybella do that for cosmetic concerns. Below is what you should know about Kybella.
What is Kybella?
It is a non-surgical injection technique that uses a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid to reduce excess fat beneath the chin. Specialists recommend a series of injections to attain the best outcomes. No incisions are needed, meaning that downtime is minimal in most cases. Eligible candidates are adults 18 years or older with moderate to severe submental fat.
Your provider may advise against this treatment if you have trouble swallowing or have had or are planning to have facial surgery. The procedure may also not be an option if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or have a medical condition or infection around the planned injection site.
How does Kybella work?
Your body naturally produces bile acid, which helps in fat absorption. Kybella injections use deoxycholic acid, a synthetic form of bile acid, to destroy fat cells beneath the chin area. Once a provider injects the acid, it destroys fat cells so that there is no more fat collecting beneath the chin. You should ensure a trained healthcare provider administers the injections since deoxycholic acid can kill other cells.
Before the procedure, your provider marks the injections sites and uses topical anesthesia to numb your skin. The number of injections ranges between 20 to 50, and the injected acid gradually kills fat cells that your body metabolizes over the weeks.
What are the possible risks?
Although Kybella is a non-surgical technique, you may experience common side effects such as swelling, pain, bruising, redness, and numbness. These side effects tend to subside in one or two weeks. It would be best to discuss any post-treatment discomfort with your healthcare provider.
Kybella treatment may also result in severe side effects such as nerve injury in the jaw, facial muscle weakness, and uneven smile. Consult your provider immediately if you notice any of these severe side effects.
How do I prepare for Kybella?
It is essential to consult with your healthcare provider to ensure you are a good candidate for Kybella treatment. During planning, your provider evaluates your medical history, including health conditions and if you have had facial cosmetic procedures. Your specialist may ask if you have any bleeding problems or trouble swallowing. It is also essential to let your doctor know if you are pregnant, nursing, or planning to get pregnant soon.
Since the procedure is non-surgical, there is little preparation required. It is best to schedule treatment before any significant events. Your provider may require that you wash your face properly before the procedure to reduce the risk of infection. You may temporarily discontinue the use of drugs such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen to prevent post-treatment bruising.
If you need to get rid of your double chin, book a session with your doctor at MDCS Dermatology to confirm your eligibility for Kybella treatment.