Today the world is hard and can be dictated by only one country, the US. Recent conflicts show that more and more countries want to get real independence. China and India showed how to do so. That is why the USA is trying to stop the globalization that plays a giant role in economics in those countries. Globalization is hard to start and it is also way harder to stop. Do waste your time and test your luck by playing to win real money slots online. Because nobody knows what is going to be tomorrow!
Why is the fact that China’s GDP exceeds Europe so important?
It is important as the third is always superfluous. Mass sports of the 20th century convinced us that third place is honorable, but this has nothing to do with the realities of life.
Therefore, for example, there are stable one- and two-party political systems, but there are no stable three-party ones: the third place is always intermediate either for rising to the second or for leaving the race.
In Al Rice and Jack Trout’s classic book, The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing beloved by technology founders, the eighth law is called the law of duality. Law number 8 is about duality. In the long run, every market becomes a two-horse race. In the beginning, when you carve your way into a new category you may be on a ladder with many rungs. But eventually, the ladder will turn into one that has two rungs, with the top two companies competing for market share. This is true for every market.
The Main Confrontation
And if the outcome of the confrontation between the US and China is not obvious now, then the EU’s withdrawal from the race for leadership can now be called a fait accompli.
The consequences of this are much larger than they might seemю For example, the impulses of Euroeconomists to regulate everything from consumer goods standards to carbon emissions made sense while the European market was the second largest after the US. But those wishing to fight for the third market will be many times less, respectively, Europe will have less leverage to influence global economic processes.
Simply put, if, from the position of the second economy of the world, Europe could dictate conditions to other countries. Then now conditions can be dictated to it. Where it is not supported by the United States, whose voice really matters, her opinion matters no more than the opinion of any other world economic actor.
Interesting Opinion About This Confrontation
One asked another once: “What can be worse than having the USA as an enemy?” Another one answered: “Worse can be only having the US as a friend”. Probably, everyone forgot about hundreds of tankers with oil coming from Iraq to the US. Saddam Hussein was a friend of the USA by the way. But that happened a long time ago. Then what about Libya? You might say that there was a revolution and nobody invaded it. That is definitely true but the troops were trained by western officers from the US and Europe. And the first aircraft that was bombing Lybia were from France, and the dictator Kaddafi sponsored the whole presidential campaign for the french president. Interesting but not all. Moreover, Libya was one of the richest countries in Africa and today nobody knows who is extracting oil there but definitely not Europe.
Another interesting fact is about Syria. The fact is that the Syrian government has control over most of its territory but not over the oil resources. It is under the USA’s control. And Europe from all these conflicts got only refugees and immigrants. Do you think Ukraine will be different? We doubt it.
From all these wars China took a neutral position and kept developing itself. And today China can be called the number one economy in the world. Even the pandemia did not break it with lockdowns as it did in the European Union. India and China are no longer listening to Western partners from the US and Europe. The European economy is destroying itself. Many companies are leaving for the US. Interesting where should start the next fire to stop the economical rise of China and India. As nobody promised a fair game.