Due to the very high popularity of Telegram and its monthly active users of more than 1 billion users, many businesses have been activated in this popular social network, which are trying to become more visible and increase the number of their users.
The traditional way to increase organic members will be very difficult and long, and fortunately, many sites have been launched to make your work easier.
In this article, we are trying to introduce some of the best sites that are active in social networks, including Telegram, to speed up your growth.
Before starting the article, we must inform you that these sites have passed many filters by us:
– Real and legal services
– High speed service delivery
– Opinions of their old customers
– SSL-encrypted website
1 – Telegrammember.co
All the services offered on this site are real and legal services. You can rest assured that if you Buy Telegram Members for your Telegram channel from this site, they are completely genuine and do not pose any risk to your channel.
Another feature of this site’s services is the ability to select members in a targeted manner, for example, you have many members from India, Russia, or England. You can specify from which countries the members will be sent to you, which will make your job easier to attract local customers.
The delivery time of the services is normal and has a good speed, but you can determine this yourself, for example, if you want an order of 50 thousand members to be sent within a month, you can register your order on time by announcing it to the support. (This number of members will not be added to your channel at a high speed and in a very short time, for example, a few minutes, and in a normal case, it will be added in a few days.
On this site, you will not have any problem with payment and you can pay for your order with a secure payment gateway, we have tried to provide all secure payment gateways for you users.
The services of this site are not limited to members for the channel, and they have many other useful services, including telegram views bot , telegram group members , telegram votes , …
Long business life (more than 5 years)
High quality of service
No reduction (for member and view services)
Natural service delivery
50 days service warranty
Variety of payment gateways
High user satisfaction
Online support on Telegram and WhatsApp
Lack of phone support
Summary of customer reviews
This site constantly checks the level of satisfaction of its customers, organizes many festivals and discounts, and has been able to receive a score of 4.5 out of 5 stars among strict users.
2 – Shafaei.io
This site ranks second on our list, it is one of the most reliable social media service sites that, in addition to Telegram services, has other social network services that have tried to provide all the services you need.
Shafaei.io has tried to pay special attention to quality services and all the services of this site are of high quality.
The reason for the popularity of this site is that in addition to different services, it also has reasonable prices and the price of its services starts from only a few dollars.
High quality of service
No reduction (for member and view services)
Natural service delivery
50 days service warranty
Variety of payment gateways
High user satisfaction
Online support on Telegram and WhatsApp
No free trials
* The free service is only for Telegram views bot, by joining it you can use the initial thousand free coins. (Each coin is equivalent to one visit for one of your posts)
Summary of customer reviews
Most of the users of this site praise its services and think that they have received a service beyond their expectations. Another reason for the high satisfaction of users is the patient and good support of this site.
3 – buytelegramviews.com
The third website of this article is a slightly specialized site in the field of buy telegram views, and besides, it has tried to solve all the problems of its users, so you can buy all the services related to Telegram, including channel and group members.
The high speed of the views bot
Free demo
Service warranty
Secure connection between your account and the bot
The site does not have a long life
Summary of customer reviews
The low prices of this site have received a lot of attention and users appreciate its reasonable price and quality.
How We Ranked Best Sites to Buy Telegram Members
There are many websites that provide ((keyword)). However, not everyone is trustworthy and reliable. In fact, most of these sites use bots and fake accounts and provide low-quality services at high prices. So, how to find a reliable provider to add members to your Telegram?
Well, we’ve done the work for you. To help you choose the right service provider, we have carefully evaluated and ranked many different websites that offer Buy Telegram Subscribers. Our evaluation process covers multiple factors and ensures that the listed SAIs meet the highest standards of quality and reliability.
Customer Feedback
The first site rating criterion for us was the satisfaction and comments of their customers, in our opinion, the higher the user satisfaction of a site, the more appropriate services it will provide. If the price of the site is high, it is definitely of high quality, and if the price is low, it is definitely of good quality compared to the price that it offers its services, which has been able to attract the opinion of users.
Money-Back Guarantee
One of the other features that define the good service of a site is the money back guarantee under any conditions, which shows that the site manager has high confidence in his services. All the sites that we have introduced will return the amount of your order if you are not satisfied.
User-Friendly Buying Process
The process of placing an order should be very simple and convenient, so that any person with any level of computer knowledge can easily place an order on the site, and we have tried to check all the introduced sites completely in this regard.