Veneers are thin layers made of either porcelain or composite resins that is applied over the scraped enamel at the surface of the tooth. It can be used improve the oral health. They offer numerous advantages. For one, they can improve one’s confidence and add more whiteness to your smile. Veneers new hyde park are very durable and when used well can be kept in for as long as a decade or even more. But this still doesn’t hide the fact that it can be exposed to wear and tear which can predispose them to damages. In this Blog post we would be learning more about veneers and how often you would need to replace them, if the need arises.
Can Veneers Be Replaced
This a one topic that causes a lot of talks from several directions. Some say that if the veneers are not in good condition or if the underlying tooth is not healthy, then they can be replaced . Others say that veneers are a permanent solution and should not be replaced unless there is a significant problem with the underlying tooth. Veneer replacement depends on a lot of factors such as the type of veneer used and installation procedure. If your veneer was installed by an experienced dentist, there is a high chance of it lasting so long. One of the commonly used reason why people replace their veneers is because it is worn out due to wear and tear. Ultimately, it is up to the dentist in Hyde park ny to decide if veneers can be replaced. That is why you need to visit the dentist as soon as you notice any difference in your veneer. They would give your first hand advice of what to do and what not to do.
How Often Do Veneers Need To Be Replaced?
This answer depends on so many factors that may apply to different people. It can depend on the type of veneer, the amount of wear and tear they’ve experienced, and the individual’s oral hygiene habits. However, our lake success dentist recommend replacing veneers after 15 to 30 years of its usage, as long as the patient follows the recommended oral hygiene habits. Sometimes, you may need to replace it sooner than 15 years. This mostly occurs if you installed a low quality veneer or if the installation process was not done right. On other occasions, you may need to only replace some parts of the veneers and not the full set.
Veneer replacement can be facilitated if you do nit take good care of your oral health. This includes failure to floss daily or failure to visit your dentist at the stipulated time. If you’re worried about how often your veneers need to be replaced, talk to an expert dentist. Our expert dentist lake success ny can help you understand your individual case and make recommendations about how you can maintainbyour veneer as well as keep them from being replaced too often.