Handling baby cats is far easier when compared to getting a hold of grown-up felines. It isn’t unusual for a fluffy fur ball to squirm around when their owners try to hold them to clip nails quickly, feed medicines, inspect ears/eyes, etc. Cat parents looking for solutions to steady their wiggly kitty so they can finish a grooming chore or perform a physical examination can try a cat biographycon burrito.
Cat burrito is a simple swaddle technique that helps owners safely handle cats. All you must do is spread out a bath towel, place your frisky kitty in the middle, and wrap them up, so only their face or body part of interest is visible and accessible. This brilliant cat restraining method can reduce your cat handling stress and protect you against potential cat scratches and bites.
At the same time, restraining an intolerant kitty can unleash a cat frenzy. Kitty can resist all your efforts to hold them in place and, in the meantime, hurt themselves or fall prey to accidents. It can be one reason why you should consider purchasing cat insurance. The best pet insurance can cover your fur baby’s medical care during allergies, accidents, injuries, specific illnesses, dental issues, cat health emergencies, and more.
While you reflect on having a medical financial backup, read this article to learn about the essential aspects of a cat burrito.
Why should you burrito a kitty?
While some owners occasionally handle their feline fur babies, others may need to handle them regularly. For instance, in a multi-cat household, owners must constantly check the well-being of many kitty cats. Also, catching a kitty of interest among the several cats roaming indoors can be challenging without the help of a towel.
Other routine tasks cat parents can accomplish with the help of a kitty burrito are –
- Examining a kitty’s paws
- Brushing kitty’s teeth
- Cleaning kitty’s ears
- Nail clipping
- Surveying kitty’s mouth, face, ears, and head
- Giving kitty medicines through the mouth
- Administering eye/ear/nose drops
- Cleaning/trimming the tail/hind region fur
You can seek the help of one of your family members for hassle-free wrapping.
How do kitty burritos simplify cat handling?
Kitty cats respond with fight or flight just like humans when they confront fearful or stressful situations. For instance, a kitty feeling trapped or threatened while sitting on the vet’s table for an examination can look for escape routes or other places of allmeaninginhindi safety.
The vet and their staff may resort to specific techniques like keeping a kitty busy with tiny treats or toys while they carry on with the kitty cat’s health inspection, or they may use tools like cat-safe gloves and towels to firmly hold a kitty that refuses to cooperate.
The advantages of using a towel are –
- It acts as a barrier between the kitty and the vet and shields the vet from the kitty’s teeth and claws.
- It enables safe handling and lowers cat fuss at the same time.
- A towel can be comforting for a kitty. So, consider using the kitty’s favorite towel, so they feel safe in a few moments.
- A gentle way to restrain the kitty’s movements.
While it is easy to burrito a kitty, cat owners must leave their munchkin alone if they show signs of aggression like excessive vocalization, panting, etc., during a towel wrap. Instead, allow a kitty the time and space they need to calm down, after which they can be coaxed to cooperate in completing a chore.
Even with much care and caution, sometimes a kitty can hurt its human handlers or itself while struggling to wriggle out of the towel. It is best if you know that, cat insurance can cover a feline fur baby’s diagnosis and treatment during unanticipated cat health scenarios and for covered medical conditions. Also, remember, the best pet insurance can provide a kitty cat comprehensive health coverage and allows cat owners to efficiently manage the finances involved.