We have to learn to live in the new reality, to interact with it and accept it. This will be easier for some, more difficult for others. But panic is a bad advisor. So let’s learn about simple and effective methods of combating anxiety and panic.
Express Methods for Combating Anxiety
Feeling anxiety, as well as experiencing unexpected emotional reactions, is normal. It’s our body’s way of trying to adapt to the new reality. If you are feeling anxious, the first thing to do is to calm down on a physiological level.
Take deep breaths and very slow exhales. Gradually slow your breathing down. Concentrate on it. Count the exhalations. This process will help slow down your heartbeat.
If that doesn’t help, and you feel anxiety turning into panic, try breathing into a paper bag. Press it tightly against your nose and mouth and breathe, slowing your breathing until it’s even. If there is no bag, use the palms of your hands. Inhaling carbon dioxide from the bag activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the inhibition/relaxation process.
Focus your attention on your surroundings. What objects are around you. Name them. Describe what they look like. This brings back the touch of reality.
Choose the Right Posture
Take a comfortable sitting position, close your eyes, and lean back in your seat. Feel the support of your feet on the floor, your body on the seat. Breathe evenly, slowing your breathing. The exhale is longer than the inhale.
Gradually relax the body: legs (from the feet up), torso, arms (from the hands up), shoulders, neck, head, facial muscles taylorsource.
Try to focus on pleasant memories. For example, imagine that a ray of sunlight has touched your face. Feel its warmth. Concentrate on that sensation. Recall a time when you have experienced something like this before. Try to return to a pleasant memory. Stay inside them. Try to remember the sensations in your body.
Think About Pleasant Memories
Anxiety can be exacerbated by not understanding the multitude of feelings that we experience simultaneously in a stressful situation. A physical description of what is happening to you in the here and now will help.
Take paper and pen and write on your own behalf. For example:
- “I’m scared of that …”
- “I’m worried that…”
- “The situation threatens me …”.
Is It Important to Accept the State of Anxiety?
The process of anxiety can be divided into three important parts:
- Awareness.
- Acceptance and change.
- Training and adaptation.
These parts are inextricably linked.
Anxiety is triggered by misunderstanding and rejection of the situation. Awareness triggers actions and processes to clarify the situation. People tend to project their own expectations, their own experiences and interpretations, action patterns, and ways of thinking into reality. This contributes to constructing one’s own reality from what one expects to see, rather than from what is actually happening. We supplement reality with our projections. By automating understandable and repetitive actions. It’s our way of coping with the flow of information we get while scrolling the news or reading this Wild Shark slot review. When it becomes impossible to act with old patterns in a changed environment, we need to find new ones.
Acceptance and change. Acceptance and change are about finding solutions to adapt to new conditions. What needs to be changed in actions and ways of responding to the situation in order to reduce psychological and physical conflict with what is happening. To regain the strength to move in the new reality.
Training and adaptation. Having discovered new ways and solutions for living in a new environment, a person needs to gradually build them into his or her daily reality.
Having discovered new ways and solutions for living in a new environment, a person needs to gradually build them into his or her everyday reality.
When is anxiety justified? When should one fight it, and when should one act to possibly escape from the source of anxiety?
Anxiety is the body’s response to a possible threat to protect itself. It’s a biological response mechanism to an irritating, incomprehensible, frightening situation.
Since feelings of anxiety distort the perception of reality and deprive us of the ability to correctly analyze the situation, the first thing to do is to try to calm down, using any suitable method we spoke about earlier. And to act well on the basis of decisions made with a clear, unclouded mind, having coped with anxiety naukri24pk.