123Moviesfree is a free media indexer. If you want to watch a movie or TV show, you can type in its name to find it. There are no advertisements on this site and you can watch high definition videos without downloading them. There are no download or sign-up requirements. You can also use an ad blocker to keep advertisements off. Despite the free service, you may be concerned about the legality of the site.
Another option for a 123Movies alternative is Plex. This new premium site launched just a month after 127Movies and has been steadily gaining in popularity. Like 123Movies, Plex also allows you to watch your favorite movies and TV shows online. It partners with multiple platforms and has an attractive interface. It offers many different types of media, and is easy to navigate.
Unlike other websites, 123Movies is free to download and stream. Moreover, it is easy to find a movie you’re interested in. It also has a search feature that allows you to find free movies and TV shows. The site also has a social media page where users can interact with other 123Movies members. Using CybrHome, you can even request a specific movie or TV show.
123 Movies is a great alternative if you’re worried about ads and quality. The service is available to anyone, and the selection is larger than 123Movies. Niter’s design is spot on and the selection of movies is much larger than 113Movies. It has virtually every major release in the last few years, as well as many critically acclaimed indie films. And the best part? It’s free!