An air compressor converts power into energy that is stored in compressed air. When the need arises to purchase a particular item or device, you surely have no intentions to go back to the market. Therefore, it is important to purchase a quality product.
To purchase a quality product, you should be aware of the characteristics of that product. Here are some of the elements of an air compressor you should look for before purchasing one.
A compressor with uneven air distribution tends to be much heavier than it should be. When looking for a portable compressor, you should find one which has a handle to use when carrying.
Some may have wheels that make it easier to pull and push. This makes it more efficient to work on a wide range. However, some are stationary with rubber that ensures the floor is not damaged when working with it.
Air Filters
Although air filters are mostly present in air purifiers, most air compressors also have them to prevent possible damages that may result from the particles in the air.
The build-up of the small dust particles can lead to blockage hence damaging the air compressor; this will reduce its workability. Therefore, the air compressor has air filters that are located on the end of the intake side.
Getting rid of the materials that may be toxic to the air compressor will ensure its durability.
Drain valve
One of the elements of air is moisture. Since some of the components of the air compressor are made of iron, moisture is not needed since it may result in rusting.
The drain valve drains the moisture that may have accumulated within time. The drain valve, therefore, prevents possible damages that may occur to this device, such as breakdown due to rust.
Pressure switch
Working with a compressor at very high pressure can be very risky. The air compressor also has a pressure switch whose function is to shut down and turn on the monitor at specific values of pressure in the tank.
It allows one to use the air compressor at any given time without any risk as the pressure is moderated.
Thermic overload protection
Increased friction leads to the production of heat that may lead to overheating of the air compressor. To prevent damages from overheating, some air compressors have thermic overload protection. Air compressor price in Kenya is significantly affected by the quality of the thermic overload protection.The higher the quality, the higher the price. However, you are allowed to work within your budget.
It has a means of cutting power from reaching the monitor in case of an overheating issue of the compressor.
Roll cage
Some of the components of air compressors are delicate. The roll cafe plays an important role in protecting these components from any means of physical damage. To prevent the roll cage from being knocked, it should have a low core of gravity.
Before purchasing an air compressor it is important to look for the above features. Researching on its different models is also important to compare the qualities of each.
This will allow you to select the one you prefer most and work within your expectations.