Valimai is an upcoming Tamil-language action thriller film directed by H. Vinoth, and starring Ajith Kumar in the lead role. It is produced by Boney Kapoor and viewster Zee Studios. The film has already gained significant attention from fans, even before its release. Valimai has established itself as one of the most anticipated films of the year, due to its impressive combination of an experienced team, cutting-edge technology, and Ajith Kumar’s star power. The film has set hub4u a number of records, even before its release. The first record set by Valimai was its budget. The film has the highest budget of any Ajith Kumar starrer, with an estimated budget of over ₹100 crore. This makes it one of the cinewap most expensive films produced in South India. Valimai is also the first film to be shot with IMAX cameras. This means that the movie will be projected with an aspect ratio of 1.9:1, which is twice the size of a conventional film. This will allow viewers to experience a level of detail and clarity that has never rdxnet been seen before. In addition, Valimai is the first Tamil-language film to be shot entirely in the United Kingdom. This gives the movie an international appeal, and it also features some of the most iconic locations in London, such as the Tower Bridge and Big Ben. Finally, Valimai is the first film to feature a xotic news stunt sequence shot at a height of 20,000 feet. This incredible feat was achieved using a specialized camera drone, and it promises to be one of the most thrilling scenes in the movie. Valimai has already set a number of records, even before its release. With its impressive combination of experienced Thewebmagazine filmmakers, cutting-edge technology, and Ajith Kumar’s star power, it is sure to be one of the most talked-about films of the year.