For most people, PTSD is a diagnosis not in the cards. There are over 10 million Americans with PTSD, and many don’t even know it. It can be difficult to seek help for problems like these. Still, if you have been suffering from the disorder for an extended period and it has negatively impacted your day-to-day life, there might be grounds for compensation.
A majority of people who have been diagnosed with PTSD are civilians, but many veterans suffer from the disorder.
As comprehensive as the VA health care system is, it does not cover all veterans’ conditions. Many benefits that veterans with PTSD are entitled to can go completely unpaid. Without compensation or any treatment for their disorder, these veterans are likely to feel even worse about their situation, and this can develop into a vicious cycle that perpetuates the problem.
PTSD compensation payouts can be confusing and contentious. Still, it is important to understand why these benefits are necessary and how they provide a better way of life for those who need them. One of the many benefits PTSD compensation can offer is access to health care.
Validation of Trauma:
Many veterans can obtain PTSD compensation because the event or events that caused the disorder have been verified. The civilian world often discounts trauma and PTSD in general. However, military members and veterans rely on their service records to prove what they endured while serving. Any healthcare professional will be more likely to take these claims seriously when an official record of the trauma backs them up.
Financial Compensation:
Many people with PTSD do not suffer from financial difficulties due to their condition. I can’t do my job any more due to disability; I need compensation. The truth is that few jobs do not involve mental stress at some point in their careers. However, many of these difficulties can be controlled with a little preventative effort.
The next time you or one of your loved ones go to the doctor, request a copy of their medical records. If they could not complete the task successfully, their records would show exactly what was going on at the time and how it affected them emotionally and physically. Compensation payouts can provide much-needed financial support to those who have suffered trauma. This can help cover the cost of medical bills, therapy, and lost wages due to the trauma.
Pursuing PTSD compensation can provide a sense of closure for some survivors. It can help them feel like they are taking control of their situation and seeking justice for what they have experienced.
It may be difficult to get your PTSD recognized by the VA, but this is a good first step when requesting compensation. To gain the justice that you deserve, you should talk to an attorney who specializes in helping veterans with PTSD gain the compensation that they need.
Holding Institutions Accountable:
Many institutions make our country a place where people can barely function. The military, corporations, and institutions of all kinds have a large responsibility regarding PTSD compensation. To help veterans and their families overcome the effects of trauma, compensation payouts should be shared with those who do not receive this treatment.
Many people who have PTSD know what it is like to be brought before an institution for something out of their control. A soldier can’t know what it is like to be assaulted or raped in battle. What we do remember, however, is being dragged away from our families as we are given a diagnosis that we will have to put up with.
The VA healthcare system has many issues when treating veterans with PTSD, but this does not mean that they are deemed unworthy of assistance. They are not the only ones who deserve compensation for their trauma; their families and loved ones should also receive assistance when necessary.
Access to Resources:
Pursuing compensation can also provide access to resources that survivors may not have otherwise had access to. This can include mental health resources, legal assistance, and advocacy groups.
In many cases, PTSD is considered to be a psychological disability as opposed to a physical disability. It can be difficult for survivors to receive assistance like veterans with physical disabilities do. PTSD compensation, however, provides access to the same types of benefits and compensation as those who are wounded on the job or disabled in some other way.
This is a lengthy topic that does not fit into the confines of this article. Still, the situation for some civilians suffering from PTSD is not too different from that for veterans. It is important to get a hold of PTSD compensation as soon as possible. This can help you avoid depression and financial hardship that can set in if left untreated. The claims process can be long and complicated, so it is important to seek legal assistance so your cases are handled correctly.