“Literacy in itself is no education. Literacy is not the end of education or even the beginning. By education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in the child and man-body, mind and spirit.”
~ M. K. Gandhi
We come from a land which cherishes love over violence, forgiveness over hurt, empathy over war. These virtues form the very crux of the teachings we received from all those people who have made our country what it is today. These teachings always guide us to whatever path we mean to follow in our entire lifetime journey. These teachings provide us with certain principles that enhance our work ethic in almost every sphere of life we lay our hands on. Perhaps, that is exactly the beauty of education. It lifts our spirits to unimaginable heights where we start believing in ourselves and that’s how wonders happen.
A learned mind is a mind which makes informed choices because it understands the subtle nuances of life that a layman might equally see but cannot perceive its depth. The building of one’s perspective requires strenuous efforts and that too on a consistent basis so that it can cater to the larger societal good of mankind.
Education, be it in any form, is equally insightful because the very essence of it teaches us to have faith and strive unstoppably towards our goals. Education is never biased, never limited. It is instead a conglomeration of varied perspectives as much as one could collate because that’s what makes it vibrant and diversified. When the conventional textbook based learning has been quite limited in its range and scope, online education is the exact opposite of that. It is a vast repository of resources where one can learn as much as one wants to and that too quite effortlessly. In the traditional textbook approach, what did you have? One opinion for all your endless questions. That sometimes leads to biases which grossly reduces the quality of education and is hence debilitating to the kind of knowledge systems it brings forth. This further leads to a single, specific approach towards multiple voices which silences many where the real purpose has always been to give voices to the very same people. If we look upto education as not just mere printed pages but instead as something that drives the whole of mankind, we would really understand the gravity of impact it has on the minds of individuals. And, that is why it is extremely important to address whatever loopholes or gaps are there in it as soon as possible. Read More about hub4u click here cinewap Visit here viewster
I strongly believe that no one can do it better than the teacher because children, who are inherently inquiring, spend a lot of time on satisfying their particular curiosities. For that they look up to a teacher to guide them, to bring them out from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge. And, to the benefit of all, sharing of that knowledge has become easier now than it has ever been. Provided one has the wisdom, passion and the necessary qualifications to be the one who could guide the ever-eager, knowledge hungry students. All you have to do is pick up your mobile phone, log in to a good LMS platform and stream for everyone to hear what you have to say. Sharing is caring, it is realizing that you are part of this universe where you are sent for a purpose and no matter you believe or not, every work, every task, every effort when seen from a larger perspective have always been towards the betterment of humankind provided they are all done with a good intent. And, I don’t think anyone has any reason to not be a part of this wholesome journey towards light, towards wisdom, towards enlightenment especially when there are several mobile teacher apps where you can give wings to your inner passion of being a part of this beautiful task.
So, what are you waiting for? Teach like there is no tomorrow because whatever we have is today and let not anything hinder us from taking an opportunity that is to serve to the young souls who are ready to provide meaning to all the things that exist around us. Because trust me there is no more beautiful thing in this world to see than seeing a seed grow when you are the one who has watered it.