CAIR is a registry that tracks immunizations and other health information. It helps doctors and other health care providers assess which shots are due at a patient’s next visit, and it also helps schools determine which students need immunization reminders. The registry is free and secure. Only authorized health care providers and other approved agencies can access the information. In addition, patients can opt not to share their information.
CAIR is an important organization that works to improve the lives of American Muslims. It advocates for equality, justice, and diversity. It works to protect the civil rights of Muslims and other Americans and promote domestic policies that promote these rights. It also provides resources for the Muslim community. It also hosts voter registration drives and regularly holds conferences and seminars.
In November 2014, the United Arab Emirates listed CAIR with the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and ISIS. However, despite these legal and political risks, CAIR has been active in addressing local extremism and death fatwas. Recently, the organization intervened in the case of Abdul Rahman, who was facing the death penalty after converting to Christianity. CAIR cited Quranic verses to defend Rahman.
CAIR has a long-standing antipathy toward Israel. It was founded by the leaders of the Islamic Association for Palestine, or IAP. The IAP, which is now defunct, was once described by the U.S. government as an arms supplier to Hamas. IAP also had a public relations director named Nihad Awad, who is now the executive director of CAIR. In 1989, IAP published a paper claiming Hamas to be its “conscience”.