Diabetes, nervous system disorders, respiratory illness, heart disease, Arthritis, degenerative disc disease, mental illness, cancer, stroke, and immune system disorders are the most prevalent illnesses that qualify for Social Security retirement benefits. Make sure you click here to get help for your disability claims.
There are countless illnesses for which disability payments may be granted. The Social Security Administration gives resources to anyone in need who cannot work due to weekly sickness. Nevertheless, some situations qualify more frequently than others. There is a high possibility that your disability claim will be accepted if you suffer from any of the aforementioned conditions.
Heart Condition
Tens of thousands die from heart disease each year, making it one of the deadliest diseases in the US. Many cardiac conditions, including genetic heart defects and congestive heart failure, may be eligible.
A Respiratory Condition
Remarkably, many individuals with respiratory diseases are eligible for Social Security disability benefits. One of the most prevalent ailments is COPD, which can be fatal.
The most frequently recognized illnesses latestforyouth qualifying for disability payments are arthritis and other musculoskeletal impairments. You will be eligible if your rheumatism prevents you from walking or using your fingers dexterously to type or write.
Degenerative Disc Disease
Another musculoskeletal condition, DDD, commonly impacts people 60 years of age and older and can be so incapacitating that it may prevent you from walking. If someone can demonstrate that they cannot remain in one place for more than two hours without discomfort, they may also qualify for DDD.
Mental Disorders
Almost 20% of those who receive Social Security disability payments have a mental illness like autism or a mood problem like depression or anxiety, which may come as a surprise to you. One in four Americans has a mood-based impairment, which explains why so many people are diagnosed with mood illnesses. Although being mentally sick is among the top 10 conditions that qualify for Social Security disability benefits, this does not ensure you any benefits.
Since millions of people can control their diabetes, it is not a disabling disease in and of itself. But when problems get so bad they interfere with your everyday life, diabetes does become a disabling disease. You will be eligible if you are too overweight to move. You will also be eligible if you have cataracts and are legally blind.
A stroke is yet another prevalent but fatal condition. After a stroke, some individuals never wholly recover. You can get Social Security disability if you can’t move without help or communicate orally or non-verbally.