If weight loss is your goal, then you will need a proper regime that enhances the fat loss for your body. The eternal debate between weight training and cardio for weight loss exists but the best way to quicken the loss is to use a hybrid mix of both these kinds of workouts. At the end of the day, the decision depends on the preference of the person and also other things like physical condition, previous fitness experiences and also the weight of the person. However, online cycling is an ideal way to start the weight loss journey for most people. If you are obese, ordinary exercises and weight training can put a huge stress on your body and cause injuries that can potentially delay weight loss.
Low Impact and a High Endurance Workout
Jogging and running leads to quicker fat loss and weight loss but at the same time, there is a higher chance for physical injuries and joint pains in the running. These are high impact and low endurance sports that give you the best weight loss for the specific period of time of your exercises. At the same time, they can also put a brake on your progress by causing unwanted injuries. In case if you are following a simple indoor cycling regime, you will get the best return for the investment of time. You will have the least stress on your joints which ensures a slower but a smooth and stable weight loss.
Easy to Start and Stay Motivated
Cycling is easy to start. All you need is an exercise bike and you are ready to go. In case of running, if you don’t have the right shoes or if you are slightly heavier than the normal, then you could end up hurting your legs and ankles. In the case of cycling you need not worry about such scenarios. All that you have to worry about is how long you can cycle.
No Need of Companions in Your Location
Another interesting advantage of cycling inside your home is that you need not worry about company. On the road, you would often need a training partner to come along with you. Otherwise, you might feel tired easily. A partner can also help you in case of an emergency. With the
indoor cycling app you need not go out of your home but at the same time, get connected with people from around the world. This way, you will have a companion at any time of the day. All that you need to do is connect to the virtual world of Vingo.
Cost Effective and Easy to Monitor Your Progress
With the Vingo app, you can create as many as 8 profiles in an account which makes it a cost effective exercise solution. You can also use the app for your running sessions as it acts as an excellent running app that can record your sessions and you can monitor how much you have worked out and what is the progress in your fitness.