Neuropathic pain is the debilitating discomfort due to damage or dysfunction in your nervous system. Unlike acute pain, this pain does not improve with over-the-counter pain relievers and can significantly impact your ability to perform your daily activities. Fortunately, your trusted pain management specialist Charlotte, NC, offers ketamine therapy that dampens the transmission of pain signals, relieving your symptoms. Below are factors contributing to the development of neuropathic pain.
Multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disorder that affects the brain and spinal cord. It causes your immune system to attack and damage the myelin fibers, interfering with the transmission of signals between your brain and the rest of your body. Damage to myelin fibers can result in chronic debilitating neuropathic pain, affecting your quality of life. The pain may manifest as shooting pain, burning, or tingling sensations in different body parts, including your face. External stimuli like pressure or touch can trigger this pain and may deteriorate with temperature changes. Neuropathic pain due to this disorder does not respond to over-the-counter medications and requires specialized treatment like ketamine therapy.
Diabetes interferes with your body’s ability to utilize sugar due to inadequate insulin production or the inability of your body to use the available insulin effectively. Unmanaged diabetes can result in elevated blood glucose levels, which may damage your nerves over time, leading to diabetic neuropathy. This disorder can result in weakness, pain, and numbness in the affected part. Neuropathic pain related to diabetic neuropathy can develop in any body part, although it is more prevalent in the legs and feet. c, limiting the supply of oxygen and nutrients to your nerves. This can damage your nerve fibers, increasing their pain sensitivity.
Shingles are a viral infection that causes chickenpox. The virus can remain inactive in your nervous system long after recovering from the infection. However, there is a risk of the virus reactivating in the future, resulting in shingles. This disorder can manifest as a painful rash that may develop into blisters that scab over time. However, in some cases, shingles may result in neuropathic pain as the virus may damage the nerves in the affected body part.
Syphilis is an STI that can affect various body parts, including your nervous system if left untreated. It can cause neuropathic pain that can be severe, making it difficult to complete your daily tasks. This pain can occur at any stage of the disease.
How Ketamine therapy resolves neuropathic pain
The Charlotte Ketamine Center specialists may recommend ketamine infusions if other therapies have proven futile. During your appointment, they will conduct a thorough physical exam to ensure you are eligible for the treatment. You may not be eligible for this therapy if you have a vascular condition such as high blood pressure or a history of substance abuse. Ketamine therapy reduces the sensitivity of neurons and blocks the transmission of certain pain signals to alleviate your pain. Ketamine infusions use a small dose of the medicine used in anesthesia to relieve your symptoms.
If you have chronic pain that won’t respond to traditional pain management techniques, call the Charlotte Ketamine Center office or book an appointment online for ketamine therapy.