The red-colored fire ant, which has an infamous sting, was brought to the United States in the 1930s and spread throughout the country’s southeastern region. Today, they are large in numbers and can react very aggressively when their safety is threatened. These omnivorous ants feed on proteins, seeds, honeydew, and other homely foods.
If you have ever suffered from the bite of a fire ant, you would know how painful the sting is. If you see them walking around in your house, you should call for professional pest control immediately, allow them to inspect your property, and get a treatment done ASAP. Meanwhile, learn more about how to get relief after being bitten by a red ant.
Signs that you were stung by a fire ant
- The stung areas may swell up and itch.
- Tightness in the chest
- Difficulty in breathing
- Vomiting
- Stomach cramping
- Diarrhea
- Intense nausea
- Swelling of the tongue or throat
- Hoarseness
- Difficulty swallowing
These are reactions that more sensitive might experience. Some people may experience life-threatening symptoms in severe cases, such as a whole-body allergy reaction. This might be paired with dizziness, unconsciousness, cardiac arrest, a drop in blood pressure, etc.
Remedies to ant bites
Lemon juice and baking soda.
One of the best home remedies known to man for a fire ant bite is a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda. This will reduce the amount of discomfort you experience with the bite. In a bowl, take one spoon of baking soda and squeeze a bit of lemon juice until it forms a paste. Apply this thick texture over the sting and get relief quickly.
Apply a cold compass.
To get relief from the pain and reduce the swelling around the bitten area, you may apply a cold compass over it. You may take a bag of frozen peas and apply it directly, or you can also take a few ice cubes, wrap them in a thin paper towel and then apply it over the affected area. Repeat this step if the swelling and pain start again.
You know honey to be something that attracts the ants, and that is the last thing you want when you struggle with ant-bite pain. However, this golden liquid can save you from the excruciating pain of ant bites. Take a small amount of honey and apply it directly over the affected areas and wait for a while for the pain to stop.