Minoxidil is a common topical hair loss medication that stimulates blood flow around your scalp’sscalp’s hair follicles. This increases your follicles’ ability to grow new, stronger, healthier hair.
But like any treatment, Rogaine minoxidil for men can also cause your existing hair to shed. This temporary shedding is a normal part of the hair growth cycle, as new, healthy hairs are regrown into your scalp.
What Causes Hair Shedding?
When a man first starts using Minoxidil, he may experience an increase in hair shedding. This is called minoxidil shedding, typically occurring 2-8 weeks after starting the treatment.
This happens because when you use Minoxidil, it extends your hair’shair’s anagen phase, which is the active growing phase. It also shortens your telogen phase, the resting phase of your hair growth cycle.
These phases work in tandem to create a healthy head of hair. When none isn’t-isn’t working correctly, it can disrupt the entire process and lead to hair loss.
In most cases, hair shedding will stop once the treatment is finished. It is essential to continue taking the medication as prescribed by your doctor and be patient.
What is Minoxidil?
Minoxidil is a drug that can be used to treat hair loss. It‘s available in an oral tablet or a topical foam solution that you apply to your scalp twice a day.
The medication works by relaxing and enlarging certain small blood vessels in your body, which makes it easier for blood to flow through them. It also stimulates the growth of new hair follicles.
While the effects of Minoxidil may take some time to show, most people start seeing a difference in their hair within two to four months after starting treatment. Eventually, the shedding will stop, and hair will begin to grow back stronger and healthier.
Before starting Rogaine minoxidil, tell your doctor about your medical conditions and medications. If you have kidney disease, high blood pressure, or heart problems, you may need to use a diuretic (water pill) along with the medication. This will help prevent salt and water buildup in your body that can cause congestive heart failure.
How Does Minoxidil Cause Hair Shedding?
While it can initially feel discouraging, shedding is a normal part of the hair growth cycle. It is also a sign that your treatment is putting your hair follicles on the fast track to the growth phase, which is where new hairs grow in their place.
In most cases, this shedding is temporary and will subside as you continue to use the product. If the shedding persists or you are concerned that it is getting worse, it is best to consult your doctor to determine whether there is an underlying cause or if another treatment would be more suitable.
Minoxidil shedding is typically the first side effect you will experience when using topical Minoxidil. It usually occurs during the first two to eight weeks of treatment and is a natural and expected side effect.
This shedding is a normal process and should subside after a few months. If you have questions about shedding or are worried it may be a permanent side effect, see your dermatologist for a diagnosis and recommendations.
What Can I Do About Minoxidil Shedding?
When you start using Minoxidil, it’sit’s typical to experience hair shedding for a while. This is because the treatment can push hair follicles from the resting phase (telogen) into the growth phase, which means they’ll shed the hair growing in the resting phase to make way for newer, healthier hair.
This can be a frustrating side effect for those prescribed Minoxidil, but it’s perfectly normal and usually starts within 2-4 weeks of starting treatment.
It can also be a good thing, as it indicates that the treatment is working and pushing the hair follicles into the growth phase, encouraging more hair growth.
If you experience shedding that lasts for more than four months, see your doctor or another healthcare professional who can help determine whether there’sthere’s an underlying cause of your loss or if you need a different treatment. You can find another topical that works better for you and your hair.